You can access the website of the Tartu Art Museum here.


The creators of this site have tried to keep the content accessible and usable for as wide an audience as possible.

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Shopping cart (15 products)

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Cart totals

Subtotal 246.60 
Shipping method Calculated after selecting the delivery
Total 246.60 
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Frequently asked questions

What can you order from us?

Besides purchasing books and souvenirs, the Tartmus e-shop can be used to acquire annual and gift tickets. Guided tours, educational programmes for children and workshops can be booked through the curator of art education programmes. More information is available on the Tartu Art Museum website.

How to order?

To order products, they must be added to the shopping basket. To finalise the order, the required data entry fields must be filled in. Add to the form your address and contact details and select the desired method of delivery.

To complete the order, select a mode of payment and consent to the terms of use. After this, click the button “Complete order ” which will take you to the payment system.

After you confirm the payment order, leave the internet bank using the button “Return to merchant”.

When the payment is completed, the order is considered finished and a confirmation with information about delivery will be sent to the e-mail address you  have provided.

What are the methods of payment?

Payments can be made through bank links to SEB Bank, Swedbank, Luminor, Coop Bank, Pocopay and LHV, and with VISA and MasterCard credit and debit cards. When payments are made with a card, you are directed to a trustworthy certified card payment processing system. The card date entered by the client is securely protected from third parties.

To what countries are the products sent?

Products are sent to the following countries: Estonia and Finland.

Who pays for delivery?

The delivery costs are paid by the purchaser and the relevant information is displayed next to the delivery method.

Can I pick up the package myself?

The package can be picked up at the Tartu Art Museum shop. The museum shop is open Wed, Fri–Sun: 11–18 / Thu: 11–20. The hours may vary on national holidays, and that information can be found on our website.