You can access the website of the Tartu Art Museum here.
The creators of this site have tried to keep the content accessible and usable for as wide an audience as possible.
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Rory’s Story Cubes
15.00 € In stock
1 in stock
“Rory’s Story Cubes” is a creativity-enhancing game that challenges you to use your imagination to the fullest. To play, simply roll all 9 dice and let your imagination take flight—you must tell a story using the nine images on the dice. These imaginative and fun story cubes offer endless possibilities! With 9 dice, 54 symbols, and thousands of different combinations, you can create countless exciting stories! The story cubes are suitable for ages 8 and up, encouraging players’ imagination and expression skills. The dice are great as both an educational tool and a delightful travel companion.
Brand: Brain Games
Dimensions: 75×80 mm
Pick it up yourself
Come and pick it up at our museum store at Raekoja plats 18, Tartu, 51004.
Itella Smartpost
Itella parcel machines are located in shopping centers so that you can grab a parcel on the side of your daily routine. To receive the package, all you need to do at the machine is to enter the door code sent to you via SMS on the touch screen – after that, the correct cabinet door opens and the package is in your hand!
Thanks to the real-time package tracking option, you can see where your package is. If your plans change, you can conveniently change the location or time of day when you receive the package. To receive the package, enter the door code included in the SMS sent to you on the touch screen.
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