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Joanna Hoffmann & Brita Karin Arnover “Abundant Places”
12.00 € In stock
266 in stock
Tartu is characterised by wooden neighbourhoods that surround the classicist Old Town in a tight circle. Although the wooden districts, with their lengthy and dramatic histories, have been somewhat glossed over by the history of architecture, their atmosphere has offered inspiration to artists for many decades.
The book contains an overview by the art historian and curator Brita Karin Arnover about the nature of wooden architecture in Tartu and its expressions in art, an essay by the town architect Tõnis Arjus covering the past and the future of the wooden areas of Tartu, an atmospheric short story, “Evening in an Old House”, by Mehis Heinsaar, and a selection of reproductions of artworks depicting the wooden neighbourhoods of Tartu.
Year: 2022
Author: Brita Karin Arnover, Joanna Hoffmann
Publisher: Tartu Art Museum
Translator: Peeter Talvistu
Binding: soft
Pages: 127
Pick it up yourself
Come and pick it up at our museum store at Raekoja plats 18, Tartu, 51004.
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